
Customer Experience

We have all heard the saying “begin with the end in mind”. Unfortunately as it relates to enterprise change initiatives this more often than not narrows the focus to an '“on-time and on-budget” mind set as the change initiative, particularly enterprise software projects, are delegated to an implementation team. As a result, it is not uncommon that expectations are rarely met, not to mention that projects are rarely on-time and on-budget!

At GRAYROCK we believe the more appropriate saying should be “first things first”. In the world of the Experience Economy, and as described in the book by the same name, authors Joe Pine and James Gilmore put forth the concept that “work is a theatre & every business a stage”. This does not only apply to B2C businesses such as retailers. It is more relevant than ever before for B2B companies such as manufacturers and distributors. At GRAYROCK we believe it all starts with the customer. They are the ultimate arbiter that determine your value. Aligning your investments with their expectations should be a top priority.